Expert Therapists committed to you.
Best in class physiotherapists.
Our certified therapists have graduated from leading institutions with advanced training in physiotherapy and years of development under Brett Money's leadership.
Meet our
dedicated people.
We’re committed to delivering the best treatment techniques and we are passionate to educate and inspire people to live their best life by taking care of their body.
Doctor referrals:
Dr. Laksmana Rizki, BMedSci, Sp.K.F.R.
Spesialis Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi
Dr. Tan Jee Lim
JL Sports Medicine and Surgery
#05-08 Gleneagles Medical Centre
Singapore 258499
+65 6476 8998
Dr. JK Lim
Mount Elizabeth Medical Center
3 Mount Elizabeth #03-06/07
Singapore 228510
+65 6737 8522
Dr. Roland Chong Weng Wah
Shoulder Elbow Orthopaedic Group
#08-28 Mt Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre
Singapore 329563
+65 6262 2284
Dr. Lim Lian Arn
Alpha Joints & Orthopaedics
#02-20 Gleneagles Medical Centre
Singapore 258499
+65 6479 2488
Dr. Lim Beng Hai
CHARMS Singapore
#09-06 Gleneagles Medical Centre
Singapore 258500
+65 6471 0965
Dr. Bernard Lee
Singapore Paincare Center
290 Orchard Rd #18-03
Singapore 238859
+65 6235 6697
Dr. Yung Shing Wai
SW Yung Orthopaedic
3 Mount Elizabeth, #05-07 Medical Centre
Singapore 228510
+65 6235 5225